Δευτέρα 3 Φεβρουαρίου 2020

eTwinning: "How Safe? / How Safe!"

About the project
Technology and the internet is everywhere, but do we know how to use it effectively and safely? In this project, we are looking for answers for this question: How Safe? With this project, we aim to give some tips to teachers, students and parents about being safe online. We also aim to improve our schools' conditions and infrastructure to be a safe school for everyone. At the end of the project, we want to hear this sentence: How Safe!

  • The students will be able to use internet safely.
  • The teachers and students will have an understanding of what esafety is and how it works.
  • The partners from different countries will have an idea about how they solve e-safety issues.
  • The students will learn new web2 tools adn use them with other students.
Work Process
  • Our project will start in February 2020 and will end at the end of June.
  • We will work collaboratively with partner schools and we will be in contact through Twinspace.
  • We will prepare a poster about e-safetyby using 2.0 web tools and let other teachers know about the project.
  • We will prepare school boards, brochures, booklets for students and parents about e-safety.
  • We will organise small meetings with parents and students.
URL: https://twinspace.etwinning.net/108243/home

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